Friday, June 11, 2010

The Road Home Part.3

Aside from a lot of turbulence, the flight passed about as quickly as 8 hours stuck in big metal tube can pass. The turbulence didn't bother me half as much as the screaming baby did two rows up. Nothing could make that kid happy. There was also a family one row up that just took over our whole area of the plane. The aisle, any vacant seat, it all became their space. The stewards had to try to talk to them after a certain point. That didn't go well since english was pretty lacking on this family's part, and I have no idea what it was they were speaking. We arrived just a little bit late at JFK. Just before our final approach the turbulence got really bad, like roller coaster bad, and then it started getting uncomfortable. My butt left my seat a few times, but a few minutes later we were on the ground, and I was more concerned with customs.

Customs was a big race, everyone seemed to be in a big hurry. The pushing and shoving didn't come to anything since it took about half an hour for our bags to be taken off the plane. Checking in to Delta after customs was a breeze, though I was sweating security a bit since the information screens didn't display the same departure time as my ticket. I wasn't really sure what time my plane was leaving until I finally got to my gate, after spending another half hour in security (the third checkpoint of the day, second pat down).

Flight to Syracuse was fine, and though we were only in the air about thirty minutes, it took forty for us to get off the tarmac at JFK. It took awhile for my bags to make it to the conveyor at Syracuse, and as none of the bags of the previous flight had made it to the plane, I was a bit anxious to see my bags. Usually there isn't anything to worry about, but I always feel better when I actually have the bag in my hand, especially when my layovers are not what they were originally scheduled to be.

Parents drove me home, and obliged me with the satisfaction of my first craving/ bit of getting back in to US culture: Panera's.


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