Thursday, May 27, 2010

Summer Time!!

Well after a stressful few weeks, my exams are finally over! Don't think I did as well as I would have liked, but at least they are over. Taking exams in rooms of 300-500 people was a very different experience than the go to your classroom and take it with your prof type of thing we're used to. Closest similarity would be the self scheduled, but it's never that packed. John and I were a bit tempted to slam a pint before our marine conservation exam, as we had to go through the Taly Social to get our seating assignments, who knows, it may have gone better? I've only got 2 more weeks here, and I'm getting pretty sad about it. The study group is slowly trickling home or to other countries. I saw my lab partner Jacob for the last time the other day, it's really strange. Walking around Cardiff and just trying to internalize everything. Hard to believe 5 months went by so fast.

My flat is mostly done with exams, or at least revising in spurts. There's been a few funny moments. TC bought a new 42 in flatscreen TV, which is almost larger than I am. I wish I had that sort of money to throw around. They had a small party the other day which resulted in a lot of unfortunate encounters with wax, at least for the guys. There's some amusing photos on facebook, but be warned, there's at least one butt.

I was back in Guildford (and going again tomorrow), for a fun few days, after Tris came to visit me here. We saw Robin Hood with the group, and saw our friend Ed's few lines as an extra, which was exciting. Pregamed a night out with them (which was hilarious), but since we had to be up at 6am, didn't go to the club. Had a good run in on the M4, until we hit Guildford itself, but Tris wasn't too late to class. I got a lot of studying done. The weather has been incredible here the last week or so, so we spent a lot of time outside. I met Brogan and got a tour of some new places.

Saturday night the guys had a soccer game scheduled with some friends. I borrowed shorts from Cathal, and we drove with John, a guy from their course to the park. We met up with Anton, a large German guy and kicked the ball around (while the guys threw around a rubgy ball at the same time). Three more German guys showed up, and soon the Allies v. Germans game started. I was the only girl (some of the Germans had gf's but they sat on a blanket and watched/ignored us). We were playing on a really slippery cricket pitch, with tiny goals and a short field. I haven't played soccer since the game with the mens team when I still did crew, but it came back pretty fast. I even scored a goal, much to the German's embarrassment. We played and hour and a half, till my team finally put in our fifth goal. We all collapsed for a bit. But the Germans weren't about to concede to a team with a girl on it, and said we would have to play to 10. We were all exhausted by then, and hungry, so we eventually agreed on playing to 9. After another HOUR of play, Tris slammed in our teams last goal. So the Germans lost to us twice. They were nice guys though, and it was a lot of fun. I only slipped once (compared to some of the guys falling every few seconds), and got absolutely taken out (though the German tried to catch me as we both fell, and ended up in a heap). He kept apologizing but it was really just funny. Needless to say Sunday morning I could barely move, and am just now really getting the use of all my muscles back.

Monday was my seds test. Sections A and C were ok, and since they made up the majority of the test, I'm sure I at least passed. Tuesday was marine con, and since then I've been puttering around wondering what to do with myself.

John and I had a Betty in Cardiff photo shoot and a nice day in town, though I failed yet again at finding shoes for the ball. Today was mostly writing post cards and running errands. A lot yet to be done before I leave. I don't even want to think about packing...


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