Monday, February 8, 2010

Small Victories

Well, it's gotten right cold again, but after this morning, I couldn't care less.

It's going to sound silly, but today people actually sat next to me in class. That hasn't been happening at all since I started. The lecture hall would be packed and I'd have an entire long row to myself. I really don't think I'm that scary, I don't smell bad, it was strange. But today that changed. The girl who let me borrow her notes (30 pages I had to copy by hand ughh) and her friends filled my row. People talked to me during the practicle (beans: those who lived through Metro chemistry with me will understand the irony: can't let the kids have chemicals? give them beans! can't have live animals for an animal lab? give them... beans!). I also got second place in the plant drawing lab (draw a plant solely from its incredibly confusing latin/ecojargon description). I'm really proud of that, it was not an easy, and now that prof seems to have a bit of respect for me (previously a bit surly). It's funny most of my ecology labs aren't graded but most of them have prizes for the most accurate answers.

Not that they were bad before, but things are looking up all the same.


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