Thursday, January 28, 2010

Going to class, going out, going crazy

Classes have officially started, and I've been to all of them at this point. It's a lot to get used to. Mosy classes here meet one or two hours a week, and expect you to do the rest. That being said, somehow I'm going to have to wrassle up all the books they want/ recommend for us. I am starting all three of my science classses 2 weeks late. I have missed up to 5 lectures for some of them as well as practicles (labs). They very much build classes on a year to year basis, so just the fact I haven't been taking classes here the past two years puts me is awkward positions. Like having a GIS based project. I have most definitely not even touched that program, but every one else has. Some of my profs have been really understanding about me being late and lost, but others just kind of shrug and say catch up. Luckily that one is not my concentration credit course.

I'm taking 7 modules here, which is a lot more than the 4-5 I was expecting. Again, 3 of those are meets once a week for one hour, but it's still a lot of papers and projects I'm going to have to figure out.
My classes as it's ended up (it was a scramble to even carry "4 credits"):
Marine Conservation: Based on a lot of British policy and wildlife, but I'm already in love with it
Sedimentary Petrogenesis and Stratigraphy: (a mouthful) I missed the petrogenesis part, which stinks as it's important and came in for delta and estuary processes, which is total review from Coastal Geo. Ah well.
Terrestrial Ecology and Pedology: UGH. Half a credit. SO NOT WORTH IT. So behind, so not my subject. So screwed. But very interesting lectures.
Geier's Technology Course: I don't think he understands how much work he's given us. It's more than most peoples' other classes combined, and so far, not all that interesting.
Welsh Lit: So much poetry, not sure how this is going to go.
Welsh Language: A room full of Americans making silly noises at each other. What's not to love.
Welsh Folklore: I really think I'm going to enjoy this one.
So we'll see, I'm more than a little overwhelmed, but it's only about 16 hours of class a week, which is about normal right?

So last night was the first time I went out with my flat. John and I made (basterdized but tasty) Pad Thai for 9 people. We also made Tollhouse Pie. They seemed to love all of it, esp. the pie. Spilt to get ready for the stop light party at the student union (required buying tickets, strange). They started pregaming, and I hid in my room until John forced me out. I was so self concious. Pretty much about everything. Mostly the fact I was the only one in jeans that night. I just don't have the going out clothes. But it all worked out. We played a few games, and everyone started asking us about America, most of them want to visit at some point. We all got a lot closer I think, I just hope all the stuff they said about really wanting to be close friends wasn't just the Strongbow talking. I also gave TC his very first bite of Hershey's chocolate (sacrificed one of the cookies and cream bars I brought for Tris). Lewis said it was possibly the best chocolate he'd ever eaten. It was really cool.
We eventuall piled into two cabs (having aquired a few more people) and went to the party. IT WAS SO LOUD. I don't think I've ever been to anything that loud. Chest and bone vibrating bass. A few people pushed their way to the bar for more drinks. Eventually all piled onto the dance floor and spent the next 3 hours or so dancing it up. It's funny how much American music they played, I only didn't know a few things. It was mixed well and despite my utter lack of dancing skills had a lot of fun.
Funny things that happened:
Lots of glowstick exchange
Lots of girls falling over because they were drunk and on 4 in heels
I'm pretty sure I can drink most of my flat under the table, and feel a lot better about it in the morning
Got hit on by a creepy guy when John was in the bathroom, despite my obvious red glowsticks
Got invited to share a stall with 2 of the girls we came with. They do that here. Don't want to stand in line for the bathroom for a long time? Pack as many people as you can into one stall and swap out. I'm glad they're cool with sharing with me? But I conveniently got "seperated" from them in the line. When it comes to dropping trou in front of almost's going to take some time. I was out of there way faster than they were anyway. Walked home around 2am, got up for my 11am practical. All was well, except I think I'm getting shin splints from all that walking.


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