Spring Break! Adelaide...Pancakes...Steaks!?
It's spring break! WOOOOO. We went to Adelaide from Saturday until Monday, then Tuesday morning we went to Kangaroo Island until Saturday, and on Saturday we took 7 modes of transport back to Wollongong.
Here is a map of Australia, look for Adelaide and Kangaroo Island near the bottom middle portion of Australia. Kangaroo Island (hereby named KI) isn't listed in the picture, but just look for the island off the coast near Adelaide. Three days before we left I still didn't know where Adelaide was :p
There are 7 states in Australia: New South Wales (where Wollongong and Sydney are), Queensland, Victoria, Tazmania, Northern Territory, South Australia and Western Australia.
Back to the main story...now Friday was a school holiday so we got that off. We just hung around before our flight on Saturday. Saturday we took a bus to Sydney and then a plane ride to Adelaide in South Australia. First of all I really do NOT understand Australian time differences. I went to Cairns in Queensland, which is directly north of Wollongong. But they don't observe daylight savings time, so Cairns had an hour time difference from Sydney time. Adelaide however had a half an hour time difference. Yes. Half an hour time difference. What the shit? Why?
Anyway...we got to Adelaide Saturday night, so we just basically got to our hostel, and after a little trouble entering the building, we finally got in. We dropped our stuff off, got dressed and went out to the sweet balcony that the hostel had and drank. Then we went out on the town. We went to the main street with all the bars and clubs and we got really drunk. Wooo. We sampled a lot of bars but realized that the bar that had $10 pitchers - The Austral Hotel - was the best. We came back and then bam, it's Easter Sunday.
Me, Kevin and Kevin's roommate went to Church to impress our mothers but we couldn't find a church that had a mass time that was convenient for us. Adelaide is nicknamed the "city of churches" and here we were not able to find a church. We found a big church (big surprise, it was Catholic!) but it had mass beginning in an hour. We decided to head into Chinatown to find food. We found a Chinese bakery that had awesome breads like ham swiss baked into it and CURRY CHICKEN BREAD. My god was this good. After that we went to Church and then walked back to our hostel, then went to an Australian Rules Football (Footy) game.
Imagine if you gathered people who excelled at running fast and punting the ball (as in American football) and bam, you have Aussie rules footy. Here's a picture of the goal posts:
If you kick the ball in the center, you get 6 points. Kicking it in the two side goal posts gets you a point. The score can get quite ridiculous too. You pass the ball by throwing it or more often just kicking it as hard as you can to your friend and hoping to hell that he can catch your weird ass kick. It was a fun game to watch, but it didn't seem challenging in the least.
Then we came back, bought a lot of different beers to sample them, and then went to the balcony to chill. We played a drinking game called the bus, and people on the bus got super fucked up. I'll explain the rules later, but it is not the game to play if you are anywhere near a lightweight. We went back to the Austral and chilled there...
then magic happened.
There are five of us. All really drunk. We pass by a dimly lit alley, save for the very end of it. At the end of this alley was a glorious sign that all of us believe to be a sign from some sort of heavenly figure.
That monday we didn't do much. We went to this big asian market and ate food then wandered around for a bit and finally watched a movie at night because we had a 5AM start the next morning to go to KI.
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