Thursday, April 1, 2010

Mexican Food in Germany?

So day two was a bit on the quiet side. I met Matt after his classes and went to the market where he bought me some currywurst (which is a hot dog chopped up and coated in ketchup and curry powder with a hard bun on top). We walked around a lot trying to avoid the rain. I also got to meet some of the other Colgate students in Freiburg. I will try to put up a photo update soon that will talk about various "things" in Freiburg that don't really fit in to the narrative.

While Matt was in class I had hoped to walk along the river, but another rainstorm cut that short. I retreated to his dorm room until Matt called. He and some of his friends had found a Mexican place they wanted to check out, so I got on the tram (the rain was torrential at that point) and headed over. Matt met me part way, and by the time we arrived the rest of the group already had a table.

Dinner was really surprisingly good. I guess I don't think of there being good Mexican food in Germany. The beer was good everywhere, though I've left the country a little dehydrated from trying to have a pint at any opportunity. Worth it. We stayed late and talked about religion, thought, faith, and out of body experiences. I had a blast.

After dinner everyone went back to their rooms. Matt booked a cab for 2:30am, which rolled around very soon. We said goodbye, and in about ten minutes I was at the bus station. Bus arrived on time and check in was a breeze. The airport was dead that early in the morning. I had trouble with security since I didn't want to let them scan my wallet. I guess I don't like letting my money and ID out of my sight. French customs also hadn't stamped by passport, which the security agents didn't like. Some glares were shot across at the French side of the check in. Flight went fine except for our landing, which was totally out of control. We bounced along for awhile before the wheels stayed on the ground. Our stop was like hitting a brick wall. Gatwick customs took almost two hours.

I spent the afternoon wandering around Knightsbridge and Kensington, looking at all the fancy shops. After lunch I did some shopping and had a pint while waiting for my room to be cleaned. The room is great actually, almost as nice as a hotel room and only 60% the price. The only problem is its about 38 degrees Fahrenheit today and the building has minimal heat. I'm curled up in my sleeping bag and a layer of flannel for warmth. Otherwise I think the place is worth the price, and its location isn't too bad either if I was here to see the sights.


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