Bits and Bobs
No real theme to this post, just a jumble.
After a long spell of warm, clear, sunny weather broken only by Cardiff's characteristic cool breeze we've come in to some rainy grey days. That's a bit more like Wales is supposed to be. Unlike the rains back home it doesn't commit to a heavy rain for the most part, but drizzles or is a thick mist. A good jacket is all that's needed, and the cooler temperatures don't bother those of us used to snow.
Concerning the upcoming election, I can't say that I know enough about the candidates to pick one or another. If I had to vote I would base more of my feelings on the candidates time in Parliament (which is regularly televised) than on the debates. The candidates only seem to be half debating and put more of their efforts in to a performance. It sounds, feels, and looks like more of the same sound byte crap that is usually expected from politicians. I can't say I can picture the liberal dems plan and that is a problem. Right or wrong I can't vote for something I can't understand.
I've started revision already, trying to organize my notes and read over them slowly. I've done a lot of reading for some of my harder classes to try to get my brain bubbling properly. Happily I've remembered more than I gave myself credit for, which is a nice surprise. Exams count for most of my grade, and I have six to prepare for, four of which will be for credit at Colgate. The lab grades I've received so far have been inconsistent, some wonderful and some not. It is certainly not do or die, but I have to do well since a single test will determine the whole semester. That is scary in its own way.
On the bright side classes are over. I've treated myself today by doing a lot of reading for pleasure. One great advantage of having fewer day to day assignments has been the chance to read for pleasure again. I've missed that. Somehow I'll have to find a chance to do that, along with some more music, not only this summer but back at Colgate.
We received the disappointing news that TGA will not have a pre-orientation program this evening. At the very least we will still be able to provide our usual orientation programming. I hope that we'll be able to come out with a bang regardless and will use the summer to plan some fantastic first offerings. Our orientation programming is always a big hit, and I'm sure we will be our consistently fantastic selves. I do take a little solace in the commendations offered us in Dean Low's letter.
Best of luck to everyone back at Colgate, your finals will be brief and successful, and then summer!
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