Saturday, January 16, 2010

So the photo is of some of a fairly large contingent of scientologists in JFK who apparently are sending a mission to Hati. As it turns out they have a lot of water, go figure since they don't use meds I guess that's as good a donation as any. They were giving out t-shirts if you listened to their spiel. I wasn't bored enough and didn't want a "volunteer minister" t-shirt. Kind of all for people using lifesaving drugs and getting life saving treatments and counseling. A lot of EMT's are here going to Hati too. Some politics about letting more civilians down there. Its a messy public health situation. Vaccinations and the like are not common in Hati, so little problems and injuries quickly get worse. I wish them luck.
So far I've avoided all of the Terminal 8 fiasco, in case anyone cares. We sat on the taxiway for about 20 minutes but that wasn't too bad. It was cool to see NYC at night from the air, pretty, but really massive! I can't imagine all those people but then again I'm a small town guy in comparison.
Well, more later. Flight isn't until just after midnight!


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